
This New Blog: The Seal Breaker

by Chance Smith

My mind has been bursting at the seams and so has my Evernote account. I have been journaling all my ideas as they have come to me. I feel that in the past if I didn't take note of an idea instantly the ideas would stop coming. My brain would stop producing once I deemed it unimportant to take note of it's work or revelation. I am now at the mercy of my own ideas and productivity and can't let either dissipate or time disappear from me. I have been reading a lot on propper time managment and striving for more and more productivity within the smallest periods of time. I have to admit that this has not been a easy task.

Example: I now only check my email twice a day, spending only one hour total in my inbox instead of every five minutes trying to respond to every seemingly important email. This also includes putting my text and email tones on my phone on silent. Life saver! I feel that alone has decreased my stress and increased my efficiency ten fold. An Auto-Responder in GMail has made this seamless and I have not received any negative feedback from any of my clients, friends or family. If there is a emergency please call me.

More of this kind of stuff to come.

I have recently started two new projects to add to my portfolio of multiple streams of income. Hmm, that sounds way more professional in compared to the amount of excitement I experience and fun I have for each niche. So far I am claiming Wolfgang Computer Service, Better Job Landing, and Smoothie King my current running projects. I will be adding more details about all of these current and future projects to this site once I can gather the finite purpose of this portal.

To keep this short this is a new blog that I wanted to create and for it to be a hallway or fork in the road to the projects I am working on. I have a few categories of interest for the posts on this site and I can’t wait to get started.

I wasn’t sure where to start posting but I thought a small explanation wasn’t a bad idea. I want to thank my wife, Molly Smith, for all her kind words and encouragement. She has had to listen to me so many times about idea after idea. I hope to bring her some relief soon to her bleeding ears. I want to include my family as well and thank them for all the support, especial from my parents, grandparents and uncles.

Enough with the sappy stuff and lets get going. I wish you much luck, give you much prayer, and want to thank you for your time. I hope you find this a great resource of many sorts. God Bless! Look at the Home Page.