
Design System Research

by Chance Smith

Updated 6/12/21: adding talk-out-loud video

Frontend work and tools have changed so much in the last 15 years since I started development work. In the past couple of years, we’ve defined how we work so we can speak the same vocabulary and deliver consistent results. This week, I’m wanting to look at building a CSS styling process our team and our clients’ teams can be guided by.

Our team has gone from creating websites to building web and native apps. Now we’re using ReactJS and Blazor. Here is the problem and the big goal in mind.

Seen problem

Our designers spend time creating a design system that our development team (and myself) don’t use.

The Frontend Workflow Goal

Find a UI library tool that exposes what our designers’ design system looks like and the UI patterns and components too. I’ll use this tool to build a boilerplate for our team and call it “Periodic.” Each of our customers will get a copy of Periodic for where their UI library will be developed.

I want our development team to thinking about typeface size, spacing and layout just like the designers do. In a way, I’d like to codify our designers’ systems.

2021 CSS Architecture

After using SASS, LESS, CSS Modules, and Styled Components our team’s process for creating styles has diminished. We favor different methods of styling applications. We need to unite on a single method.

Brad Frost, creator and author of Atomic Design, mentions Styled Components having its merits but wondering what happened to the trusty global stylesheet. A single style sheet that could be used across many applications and leaving less room for error.

I agree that the styles we’ve had in React seem like in-line (Tailwind CSS) or wild-west (Styled Components). We’ve enjoyed not having to think about the global context of styles or “What do I name this class?” Yet, it’s come at a cost not having guidelines for our team to follow.

Brad also mentions how he architects CSS for design systems with a naming convention of the global namespace, class-prefixes, and following with BEM like naming.

This global style sheets thinking will be a bit painful to go back to, but worth revisiting. We need a system we can grow with and help us move with speed.

I was then lead down a path of reading…

The new CSS variables are very valuble and I wondered how they fit in a global and component style settings setup. Sarah talks about building a internal UI kit that very close to want to we want.

Going back to the roots of BEM + Atomic design

Then considering how CSS-in-JS has been introduced.

Should we still be seperating concerns and decoupling the styles from HTML?

Dan Mal and Brad Frost show off their designer and developer workflow where the two roles work in parallel…instead of a waterfall design like workflow.

“It’s a shame to see a ton of hard work go into static designs only to see all that thinking, detail, and nuance get washed away when it’s translated into code.” - Brad Frost

Okay, regardless of having picked a methodology or workflow, let’s get a few tools us developers can use.

CSS Component Style Guide Tools

Here are the ones I want to explore:

  • Pattern Lab: made by Dan Mal + Brad Frost, uses SASS to build a global style sheet we can use in a CDN
  • Storybook: we’ve used this in the past, but is specific to React/Vue/Angular
  • Fractal: worth a shot

I’m interested in trying more, but these are where I’ll start and add a few components to see which fits our team and our future best.

to be continued…