
Fast sites and trimming bloat

by Chance Smith

With Google ranking sites based on loading speed (user experience), I ran some tests to see how the projects I worked on compared to the best practice standards.

Before I got to chopping Javascript or image compression, I needed to know how our team could test our projects regularly. Here are the questions I had…

How fast should the website be?

Traffic starts to leave after 2 seconds of waiting for the site to load. Your site needs to be fast, especially for mobile users.

Set a goal and compare to you and your client’s competitors. Aim for the low hanging fruit.

Where to start?

First get the baseline metrics.

Once you have your current state metrics, set a goal and improve.

What tool would be way to do on going tests?

Us at SH are toying with

What about a quick setup?

You bet!

  • install Docker
  • run it in terminal: $docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/

Wait, what is Docker?

…see this post.

Work in progress

We tried to pull these site speed metrics into a Gulp output on save or when gulp sitespeed, but we ran into an error on with (gulp-sitespeedio)[]. We (put in a issue)[] in to see if we can still work with this first.

We also ran into a snag testing local with Laravel-Valet local urls with Docker setup above. We’ll revisit this, but for now we’ll be testing our projects in there staging/production states.

Looking for more

I’m very interested in seeing how this is used in others workflows. If you find one or have a solution please share!

If you liked this setup or want to chat, get in touch with me.