
Set Weekly Goals Today

by Chance Smith

[dropcap]As[/dropcap] you can see my list is just beginning. It can be long at times but I recommend staring small to you can complete it. I went over a little goal setting information I had gathered from the EntreLeadership book post.

It is so very empowering to go over my list with my wife before the week starts and show her my plan. She has told me she finds comfort in my weekly planning. Even if the list doesn’t get complete I make a goal to finish it next week or make a smaller list to swallow.

Your goals need to be simple and cover all the important areas in your life. I recommend these:

Types of goals to set every week:

  1. Spiritual-Bible reading, prayer list, or devotional.
  2. Financial-Create or review Budget, read a book on money, save electricity by only heating/cooling one room.
  3. FamilyFamily games, helping your spouse with chores, and have lunch with family member.
  4. Physical- Workout, walk, eat veggies everyday, drink gallon of water everyday, or no sweets that week.
  5. Intellectual- Read non-fiction book (history, leadership, or hobby), learn 5 words in German, or memorize your mission statement.
  6. Social- Send a thank you card, send a gift, have lunch, or make a friendly call with out a need.
  7. Career- Work on tasks that build income or increase your knowledge to advance in your career.

I look at that this list every morning. This list is my success list. If I can’t complete these then my life is current out of wack or the couch has won again. Ditch the TV and pick up a note pad.

Don’t commit to the list. Commit to your success!

Good luck on your lists!