
Collaborative Superpowers

by Chance Smith

This week I’ve been sharing processes and thoughts to dial-up and dial-in the collaboration on your team. Here is a list of the posts.

  1. Sounding Collaborative

Questions that start converations are powerful. Everything won’t sound so definitive and you’ll have a better understanding of what your team is thinking.

  1. Note the Collective

Include the team in your wording. It’s not just you, it’s us. It’s not just me, it’s we.

  1. Space for Others

Give your team space to work. Don’t be a bottleneck. Don’t be a blocker. Don’t be a gatekeeper. Don’t hover.

  1. Autonomy

Give your team the freedom to make decisions, mistakes, and to learn.

  1. Earning Autonomy

    Communicate often. Build trust. Gain autonomy in your work.

  2. Communicate for 5 Minutes

A quick 5 minute meeting can save hours of work. Learn about the 5on2 method.

  1. Chop Up the Work

Chopping up your work into Thin-Sliced deliverables is stellar method for communication.

  1. Work Out Loud

Reduce meetings and 3Ws by giving your team updates while you make progress on your work.

  1. United

When united on things that matter to God, nothing is impossible.

  1. Too Much Noise

Conversation channels, emails, and meetings can become incredibly overwhelming.

Updated 4/27/2023 added “Too Much Noise”